Wednesday, March 2, 2011

New Quests!

Hello Students!  I hope you are adjusting well to life on campus here at the School of Health and Fitness.  I have a few announcements to make so listen closely.  First, if you see cats on the premises, please treat them with the utmost kindness and respect, several of these feline companions are familiars for your peers and instructors and we've already had one unpleasant incident with a new student.  Second, I know most of you are just getting settled in, but I thought it might give you some incentive to let you know about a few questing opportunities.  Remember, if you don't post about them, no one knows you completed them and you won't get the rewards!  Happy hunting!

- Headmaster Quo

Ogre of the Valley Gym
The local residents in the valley "Gym" have complained about a unpleasant recent visitor - an Ogre.  Word has it that he sits around on people's doorsteps and refuses to get up, asking if villagers will bring him a goat or a glass of milk.  He's really becoming quite the nuisance.  If any of you are of suitable skill level and are interested, I recommend that you visit Gym and asses the situation for me.  If you can visit all the houses and successfully move the Ogre, you'll be handsomely rewarded, and much appreciated.

Task: visit local gym and try all equipment at least once
Skill requirement: 2-Time Management, 1-Social
Reward: 50xp, 50 gold, Ogre Tooth (+1 Strength)

Seeker of Wisdom
Some of you will find that your need for wisdom goes above and beyond the confines of our campus.  In this quest, I encourage you to scale Mt. Ig'nance and visit the Wise man who lives in a temple at the top.  He has lived for many years and can offer much wisdom to those with the patience and perseverance to seek it.  Maybe he'll even share some with you!

Task: research an issue relating to your health barriers and share your findings with others via a post
Skill requirement: 2-Intelligence, 1-Ambition, 2-Stamina
Reward: 50 xp, 100 gold, Restorative Tea (+1 Health)

Crown Jewels Completed by Zilya
While I am hardly one to advocate theft, it has come to my attention that a local merchant (known for ripping off his customers) has been displaying a rather size-able ruby ring that's said to have persuasive powers and might be influencing some of his customers into purchasing when they otherwise would stay away.  I know from personal experience that some of you have very quick fingers.  Perhaps in this one case, it would serve a justice and put the braggart in his place.  Be forewarned though, he has a mean right hook and will surely defend this treasure.  I recommend a thorough workout with the weapons master and a sure sense of balance for anyone foolhardy enough to try.

Task: practice using a weapon (including your body) for 30 min., spend 30 min. doing yoga
Skill requirement: 2-Dexterity, 2-Ambition, 1-Speed, 1-Intelligence
Reward: 80 xp, 100 gold, Ruby Ring (+2 Social)

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